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Thermos 膳魔师 超轻保温杯 500ml-烟熏卡其色

$55.00 Incl GST

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Thermos 膳魔师 超轻保温杯 500ml-烟熏卡其色

Dimensions: 6.5 x 7.5 x 22 cm
Capacity: 500ml

Heat Retention Ability (6 hours): Above 154°F (70°C)
Cold Retention (6 hours): 10 degrees below

Inner bottle: Stainless steel; Body: Stainless steel (acrylic resin coating); Lid/stopper body: Polypropylene; Drinking mouth: Polypropylene; Lid gasket: Silicone rubber; Stopper gasket: Silicone rubber
Country of Origin: Philippines


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花王洗洁精泡沫喷雾 300ml 橙香

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