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Skater 儿童牙刷牙杯旅行套装 - Winnie the Pooh

$13.90 Incl GST

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Skater 儿童牙刷牙杯旅行套装 - Winnie the Pooh

Dental kit includes a jointed toothbrush and case.

The toothbrush is jointed and compact when not in use.

The jointed toothbrush stands on its own, so it can be stood up and dried for clean use when on the go.

The case can hold a toothbrush and commercially available mini toothpaste.

The case itself can be used as a cup.

The bristles are of normal hardness.


 GUM康齿家米菲儿童牙刷 - 1-5岁  - 粉色


B box 贝博士 叉勺套装 (桔粉色,蓝绿色,紫绿色,黄灰色)

Unique patented fork designed to fit the size and shape of little mouths. Angled handle to encourage..

宝洁 P&G Leno系列衣物柔顺剂芳香固体颗粒 香珠520ml (紫色浓郁果香)

产品功效:去除衣服异味,使衣物拥有独特香味用量说明:水量65L (洗衣物量6-7kg)用了 - 2/3杯水量45L (洗衣物量3-4kg)用了 - 1/2杯水量30L (洗衣物量2-3kg)用了 - ..

贝印Hello Kitty 成人指甲刀 指甲钳 S号

日本制造,不锈钢刀片防锈,锋利度极佳。侧面有一个U型切口的塞子盒,防止切开的爪子指甲飞走。杠杆部分有一个可爱的Hello Kitty设计。..

Marcus & Marcus 宝宝不锈钢叉勺长款 (小猪) 3+岁

Features:BPA/Phthalate freeEffective utensils without sharp edgesEasy grip handle designed for small..

日本KICHIBAN 防水创口贴 20片 - 轻松熊

Band-aid avengers waterproof adhesive bandages.1. Protect from germs.2. Comfortable fit for kids.3. ..
