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B Box 儿童饭盒 - 海洋蓝

$33.90 $43.90 Incl GST

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B Box 儿童饭盒 - 海洋蓝

The whole foods lunchbox. Kids love different choices throughout the day, so we’ve designed a lunchbox that offers parents and kids more flexibility. The lunchbox features a large compartment that fits a whole sandwich. Plus, sitting underneath the tray is an included gel cooler pack to keep food fresher and cooler for longer. Or, remove the sandwich tray and the compartment now easily fits pasta and salads. Its unique flexi whole fruit holder lets you store a whole apple, as the stretchy seal bends around the shape of your fruit – no need to cut fruit into smaller sizes! Leak-proof silicone seals let you store wet foods like watermelon and yogurts (no liquids). The custom divider slides across enabling parents to adjust the compartment size as they need, or remove it to fit a whole banana or wrap.

Easy to open latch and handle encourages independence. Freezer safe. 3 yrs plus.


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