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加拿大Glitter&Spice婴儿围嘴+牙胶 胶胶乐 0+ 薯条

$16.90 $19.90 Incl GST

+ -

加拿大Glitter&Spice婴儿围嘴+牙胶 胶胶乐 0+ 薯条

Drooling baby? Check. Teething baby? Check! 
Our Organic Chew Bibs has you covered for your teething and drooling baby! Our Chew Bibs are made from 100% soft organic cotton in the front, which is the ideal fabric for your little's delicate skin. The soft polyester back is super absorbent to keep your drooling babe happy and dry! Our custom diamond shaped teether attachment is made from 100% food grade silicone which means there no harmful chemicals! This stylish bib is perfect for any babe! 


Bumkins 防水袋/零食袋 18cm x18cm - Cacti

The better alternative to single-use plastic bags, our reusable large snack bags / sandwich bags are..

Kinderfeets 帐篷  (奥克兰免运费,郊区除外)  一周内发货

Explore a world of adventure with the Kinderfeets Tent! Crafted using sustainable New Zealand pine w..

Bumkins 儿童餐盘分格吸盘碗 - 容量大 吸力大 - 菠萝黄

The Bumkins Grip Dish is a must-have for babies and toddlers of all ages! With a strong suction base..

金鸟天然草本驱螨除螨消臭喷雾 (温和版) 350ml 婴孕可用

日本金鸟除螨喷雾350ml天然除螨成分,不含杀虫成分淡清香味除菌除臭,喷被子,喷枕头,喷玩具,喷榻榻米,推荐使用方法是离三四十厘米喷10下,能保持一个月时间哦Kincho Dust Mite Repe..

Skater 折叠式可调整饮料手拿杯架 - 维尼

Skater 折叠式可调整饮料手拿杯架 不是杯子,不是杯子,是纸盒饮料的辅助杯托,宽度是可以调节的。 适合尺寸约:长度小于5cm,宽度范围4.7-7.1cm(可调节)【材质】聚丙烯..

Sunstar 日本巧虎儿童牙刷 2-4岁 (粉色)

日本巧虎儿童牙刷 2-4岁 软毛 根据儿童手掌的发育规律,精心设计牙刷的手柄长度,防滑加强和握点设计让宝宝自然掌握刷牙的正确姿势。DO系列口腔护理用品是日本Sunstar公司推出的强效系列产品。DO儿..
