Grosmimi PPSU 重力球吸管杯 学饮杯 300ml 橄榄款 - 白色
-Grosmimi weighted straw cup allows first time users to easily adjust to the straw.
-The weighted kit allows babies to use in any positions.
-With the one touch cap V2, baby can open and close the cap easily.
-“+” cut straw teat prevents any leakage from the bottle.
-The air valve prevents backflow due to differences in temperature and pressure inside and outside the bottle.
-It can be completely separated for hygienic cleaning, and easy to assembled after cleaning.
-PPSU, the FDA approved material in USA provides for high heat resistance and durability.
-Please read through the instructions and precautions.
-Always use this product with adult supervision.
-Never use straw teat as a soother.
-Continuous and prolonged sucking of fluids will cause tooth decay.
-Always check food temperature before feeding.
-Inspect before each use and pull the feeding teat in all directions. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness.
-Do not leave in disinfectant for longer than recommended, as this may weaken the teat.
-Before first use place a feeding teat in boiling water for 30 seconds, this it to ensure hygiene. Please wash before using.
-Keep away from fire and direct sunlight.
-Please use a straw brush when washing the straw and teat,
-Take extra care when microwave heating. Always stir heated food to ensure wven heat distribution and test the temperature before serving.
-Straws are not suitable for a child under 6 months.
-Be careful of scratches inside the bottle from weighted bead when the bottle is empty.
-Be careful not to put any parts into baby’s mouth other than straw teat.
-Please assemble the parts accurately before using it.
-Please replace the bottle every 6 months, the silicone straw teat and tube every 2-3 months for hygienic issues. The replacing term may vary depending on the number of times and the way of use.
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