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Thinkwise SkinSafe 宝宝干巾 50张 33cm x 29cm

$5.90 Incl GST

+ -

Thinkwise SkinSafe 宝宝干巾 50张 33cm x 29cm


Protect and cleanse your babys sensitive skin with Skinsafe Baby Wipes as used in Birthcare and Hospitals Nationwide. These premium wipes are soft, strong and absorbent ...

Your babys skin can be damaged by parabens, alcohol, detergents, preservatives and chlorine contained in standard wet wipes. By using Skinsafe Baby Wipes you can ensure that your baby's precious skin is cared for and protected by avoiding these harsh chemicals. Using these wipes reduces the risk of inflammation and common skin conditions like nappy rash and eczema.


This dry wipe product is made from a non-woven, low linting material ...
using a polyester and viscose blend.


Simply dampen these wipes with water and use for cleansing ...
  • Babies delicate areas
  • Face and body
  • Surfaces
  • They can also be used as nappy liners (non flushable)

    Size: 33 x 29cm

    Thickness: 35 gsm

    50 wipes per packet

    Small Carton: 8 packets = 2 months supply (approx)


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