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Thermos 膳魔师真空保温水壶 2L-深棕色

$98.00 Incl GST

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Thermos 膳魔师真空保温水壶 2L-深棕色

  • Product introduction
    Body dimensions / width x depth x height (approx. Cm) 19 × 12.5 × 27

    A pot that creates a relaxing atmosphere that is always on the table!

    The simple design of the pot, which makes the best use of stainless steel material, can keep warm and cold, and keeps the drink at the optimum temperature. Easy-to-pour one-touch lever centerpiece and hygienic stainless steel body that can be washed completely. As well as keeping the heat of hot drinks, the wide mouth of about 7 cm makes it easy to put ice in, making it ideal for iced drinks. We have prepared sizes from 1L to 2L according to the application. 

    Easy to wash

    It can be washed cleanly up to the inner flow path.

    Easy to wash

    Washable and hygienic

    The wide mouth of about 7 cm makes it easy to reach and wash.

    Washable and hygienic

    Easy-to-turn centerpiece

    A centerpiece with a large knob that can be turned firmly.

    Easy-to-turn centerpiece

    Easy to pour with one hand

    Easy to pour with one hand with a one-touch lever that can be poured just by pressing.

    Easy to pour with one hand

    Wide mouth (7 cm) that makes it easy to put ice

    Wide mouth (7 cm) that makes it easy to put ice

    You can easily make an iced drink just by putting ice in a pot and pouring a drink into it.


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