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Grosmimi PPSU 吸管杯 学饮杯 300ml - 粉色

$39.50 $49.00 Incl GST

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Grosmimi PPSU 吸管杯 学饮杯 300ml - 粉色

-PPSU straw cup from 6 month old, capacity 300ml, BPA free
-New release colours, Grosmimi PPSU Premium Dark Series-Charcoal, White, Cream Beige
-“+” cut prevents any leaks from the bottle, innovative 2-ways of using which allows baby to drink while sitting down(with tube), or to drink while leaning back(without the tube)
-Air valve prevents back flows
-The premium quality of silicone offers safety without any environmental hormones,LSR (Liquid Silicone Rubber) teat with 20 degrees softer, teat material softer compare with other brands, the smoothness of the straw protects baby’s teeth or gum
-Can be transformable to feeding bottle or feeding bottle with straw( nipple teat or straw training kit need to be purchased separately)
-Wide neck, very easy to clean, microwave safe, dishwasher safe, hot water disinfection safe
-360° Ergonomic Handle Turning (The handle-rotation prevents unscrewing the ring and spilling when baby shakes the handle of the bottle, also prevents an injury such as spraining baby’s wrists, free handle allows mother to rotate the bottle while baby is holding the handle.)
-Drop Resistant


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金鸟衣柜防虫防蟎防霉 芳香剂片 24枚入 - 柠檬香

无异味,一年内有效,还能驱除螨虫!它能使螨虫远离你的存储空间! 气味不会转移到衣服上。该产品含有一种无味的防霉成分,可以防止霉菌生长,保护您的衣物。当你看到白色的 "更换 "标志时,请更换产..

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花王食品级厨房除霉除渍泡沫喷雾 400ml【产品特点】 使用简单,厨房漂白剂喷雾型(氯)。 可以对厨具砧板,锅或其他渠口垃圾进行,漂白,除臭。 只需30秒,即可切菜板上9..
