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Richell 利其尔 多功能三合一如厕训练小马桶 (灰色)

$84.00 $105.00 Incl GST

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Richell 利其尔 多功能三合一如厕训练小马桶 (灰色)

Features and Benefits

  • Suitable from 12 months and above
  • Helps baby to familiarize to the adult size toilet at their early ages
  • Quickly get accustomed to the adult toilet with the "chair type" closed legs and sitting posture
  • Simple design with no discomfort in the room
  • Front guard that keeps legs straight down and avoid splashing water
  • Hand grips help babies to sit tight

  • 3 step style that can be used for a long time as you grow;
  • Step 1:  (around 1 year old) - Relax in your usual room
  • Step 2: Auxiliary toilet seat with grip (around 1 year and 6 months old) - Smooth transition to the adult toilet seat
  • Step 3: Auxiliary toilet seat with no grip + step (around 2 years old) - Challenge alone
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