Richell 利其尔 如厕训练小马桶坐垫 (白色)
Smooth transition to an adult toilet seat in a straddle-free 'sit down' style!
From around 1 year and 6 months - Supplementary toilet seat (with grips)
Around 2 years old - Supplementary toilet seat (without grip)
Antibacterial finish for hygienic use.
Grips can be removed as the child grows.
Pee guard to prevent splashing.
Can also be fitted on hot-water washing toilet seats.
Fixings to prevent tipping over and wobbling.
With a soft toilet seat guard
(1)Secure and stable by preventing side-slip.
(2) Prevents scratches on the adult toilet seat.
源自植物的弱酸性身体洗发水能够去除多余的污垢,同时使皮肤得到滋润。营养成分不含香料 ● 不含着色剂 ● 弱酸性 ● 低过敏性 ● 不含Paraben ● 不含酒精(乙醇) ● 不含矿物油 ● 不含石油..
DescriptionSize: Approximately 95 x 79 x 210 mmCapacity: Approximately 480 mlProduct introductionLig..
The cup is designed with a hole in the handle so that a toothbrush can be set in the cup.The toothbr..
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