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日本Skater 儿童背带直饮水杯 480ml - 肉桂狗

$29.90 Incl GST

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日本Skater 儿童背带直饮水杯 480ml - 肉桂狗

  • Description
    Size: Approximately 95 x 79 x 210 mm
    Capacity: Approximately 480 ml

    Product introduction
    Lightweight and compact straw bottle.
    It is for drinking straws, and you can enjoy practicing drinking with the mouth of the straw.
    The cap is a push-type and can be easily opened.
    Highly transparent and durable PET (saturated polyethylene resin) is used for the main body and cap.
    Cap lock design that does not return the cup when drinking.
    With removable shoulder belt.
    A nameplate is attached to the shoulder belt and a name sticker is attached.
    With a cushion on the bottom to soften the impact.
    You can't use the dishwasher.

    Cap / Body / PET (Heat-resistant temperature / 100 degrees)
    Lid / Belt / Polypropylene (Heat-resistant temperature / 120 degrees)
    Packing / Straw / Drinking mouth / Silicone rubber (Heat-resistant temperature / 140 degrees)
    Cushion / Elastomer (Heat- resistant temperature / 140 degrees) Temperature / 70 degrees)
    Spring pin / Stainless steel


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