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Moony尤妮佳天使有机棉 尿片 M 46枚 (6-11公斤)奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价

$23.90 $25.00 Incl GST

+ -

Moony尤妮佳天使有机棉 尿片 M 46枚 (6-11公斤)奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价

Natural Moony is safe even on newborn skin!

"Natural Moony," Japan's first diaper with a surface sheet made with organic cotton


Pack contents: 46pcs

For boys and girls

Weight suitability: Up to 6-11 kg / Size M

Use 5 different design techniques to make it more gentle for your baby's skin.

Designed for babies

Designed for babies1

The first* diaper in Japan to use organic cotton on its surface sheet.

*When compared to recognized disposable diaper brands in Japan in regards to surface sheets. From 2016 research by Unicharm

Designed for babies2

The materials that come into contact with the skin are made with a weak acidic sheet that contains worry-free, additive-free ingredients


#The 4 ingredients (petroleum, fragrance, latex, and synthetic coloring) are made without any additives

Designed for babies3

New and improved! Just roll up the rompers! 3 notification strips allow you to check the diaper's wetness without having to undo any extra buttons.

*Applicable to Tape type: 3S, Newborn, S, and M sizes

*Not applicable to M,L size

Designed for babies4

New and improved!

Includes 3 types of plant-derived oils*

Also made with materials that are gentle on your baby's delicate skin

*Olive oil, jojoba oil, and rice oil

Designed for babies5

Great technology! Runny stool zone

Catches runny stool that could irritate your baby's skin by using an unevenly-textured absorption zone! It absorbs quickly and away from the skin.

*Applicable to Tape type: 3S, Newborn, S, and M sizes

*Not applicable to L size


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狮王婴幼儿牙刷 3-5岁(中毛)根据牙科医生建议牙刷一般3个月左右更换 【产品特点】1.柔软可弯曲的刷柄设计,可以防止跌倒时戳伤宝宝的娇嫩口腔,牙刷均按照孩子的尺寸设计,柄身印有宝..

Pigeon 贝亲 宝宝 通鼻贴/呼吸舒缓贴 14片

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Moony 高级版一次性防溢乳垫 102片

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 GUM康齿家米菲儿童牙刷 - 1-5岁  - 绿色


日本100%有机棉棉签 180支

柔软、卫生的棉轴,温和不刺激 ◎适用于婴儿小巧鼻子、耳朵的细轴棉棒 ◎棉球经过抗菌加工,安全卫生适用于婴儿小巧鼻子、耳朵的细轴棉棒,可轻易为宝宝清理卫生。柔软、卫生的棉轴,温和不刺激,可安心为宝宝清洁..

汽车抗UV遮阳帘-米妮 1片

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