日本ITO 纯棉干湿两用一次性洁面巾 卸妆洁面 80抽
- 100% cotton non-woven fabric:Make sure your face, shoulders, and neck are clean
- Professional makeup remover face towel: Easily remove your makeup oil, mascara, nail polish, It is a multipurpose big beauty cotton pads set!
- Easy to carry,:Handle design, small size can be used outdoors, environmentally friendly and easy to degrade.
- Tear-resistant & Ultra Absorbent:ITO Facial Cotton Tissue will impress you WITH THE quality and durability,Made of cotton fabric, resistant to tearing. Dry and wet used super fast absorbent
Pampers premium protection is approved by the British Skin FoundationLined with heart quilts to feel..
5个月以上适用- 袖珍折叠,方便外出携带 - 不易弄脏,方便擦洗的硅胶材料 - 整体清洗,速干洁净,无须换洗 - 围兜深度便于接住掉落的食物- 洗碗机、煮沸和微波消毒都可..
乳液非常适合护理宝宝的娇嫩皮肤。一位儿科皮肤科医生的研究表明,在宝宝三岁前对其皮肤的护理可以决定他或她的余生。 该产品的开发考虑到了婴儿的皮肤,因为儿科皮肤科医生的研究表明,"从出生开始的皮肤护理 "..
Natural Moony is safe even on newborn skin!"Natural Moony," Japan's first diaper with a surface shee..
– Made of platinum liquid silicone which is hygienic and soft, BPA free– Straws are recommended to b..