日本风倍清 衣物衣橱布艺清新除菌消味喷雾 370ml (无香宝宝专用)
日本宝洁Febreze除菌衣物衣橱布艺喷雾 370ml
适用于:窗帘、地毯 衣物、抱枕、布艺沙发、床上用品、卫生间坐垫脚垫、不方便洗衣机清洗的布制品。
P&G Febreze fabric products. Clothes double sterilizing and deodorizing spray 370ml
Natural Fragrance ♥ 3D soaking and sterilizing, increasing the mixing amount of penetrating ingredients, helping the penetration of effective ingredients, and going deep into the fabric for deodorization and disinfection. ♥ According to P&G market research, about 40% of respondents prefer tastelessness, which is one of the factors that many consumers are looking for. ♥ The deodorant ingredient derived from corn can be used in bedding and clothing that directly touches the skin, and is also suitable for infants and young children. ♥ Suitable for fabrics, such as pillows, cushions, bedding, clothing, carpets, etc. ♥ Product capacity: 370ml ♥ How to use: Please spray about 20~30 cm away, and the surface is slightly moist. Precautions * Do not use on leather, fur, silk, acetate, Cupra, and products that have undergone special treatment (such as waterproofing) and cannot be washed (please refer to the bottle label) * Do not place it in a place where young children can easily obtain it * Do not place in direct sunlight
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日本 Edison 宝宝学习筷子 带盒子-左手 (维尼)材质:环保ABS树脂材质,不含BPA,五毒无味,抗酸,碱,盐腐蚀。特点:高强度,低重量采用高强度热转印技术,不掉漆。手指接触区域防滑加大摩擦,抓..
花王CLEAR喷口式洗洁精 替换装~720ml适用于厨房餐具 砧板 碗筷 杯子 瓶子一类的清洗~更为关键的是此款洗洁精具有独特的清洁能力哟,也就是说不需要任何海绵擦,只要对着脏的地方喷 然后过一段时间..