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Pigeon 日本贝亲温和无添加婴儿洗衣液 800ml

$16.90 Incl GST

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Pigeon 日本贝亲温和无添加婴儿洗衣液 800ml

Made in Japan. 
Baby-friendly detergent for newborn baby.

● Made from 100% botanical cleaning ingredients
● Safe to use for babies (0 months and above)
● Effectively removes dirt and stains using plant-derived ingredients while remaining gentle to baby's clothes
● Concentrated formula - only a small amount is needed for each wash
● No need to worry about remaining detergent 
● Safety testing conducted to meet the standards (Clothing detergent, skin irritation testing and allergy testing tests)

Suitable for both hand wash and machine wash. 
No additives [colorless, no fragrance, no bleach, no phosphorus, no fluorescent agent]

Recommended usage

【Hand wash】 
10 ml of this product against 5 liters of water 

【Washing machine】 
 50 ml for laundry 2 kg,30L water; 75ml for laundry 4kg, 45L water; 100ml for laundry 5kg, 60L water


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