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Moony尤妮佳天使有机棉 拉拉裤 M 46枚 (5-10公斤)奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价

$23.90 $25.00 Incl GST

+ -

Moony尤妮佳天使有机棉 拉拉裤 M 46枚 (5-10公斤)奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价

Natural Moony is safe even on newborn skin!

"Natural Moony," Japan's first diaper with a surface sheet made with organic cotton


Pack contents: 46pcs

For boys and girls

Weight suitability: Up to 6-11 kg / Size M

Use 5 different design techniques to make it more gentle for your baby's skin.

Designed for babies

Designed for babies1

The first* diaper in Japan to use organic cotton on its surface sheet.

*When compared to recognized disposable diaper brands in Japan in regards to surface sheets. From 2016 research by Unicharm

Designed for babies2

The materials that come into contact with the skin are made with a weak acidic sheet that contains worry-free, additive-free ingredients


#The 4 ingredients (petroleum, fragrance, latex, and synthetic coloring) are made without any additives

Designed for babies3

New and improved! Just roll up the rompers! 3 notification strips allow you to check the diaper's wetness without having to undo any extra buttons.

*Applicable to Tape type: 3S, Newborn, S, and M sizes

*Not applicable to M,L size

Designed for babies4

New and improved!

Includes 3 types of plant-derived oils*

Also made with materials that are gentle on your baby's delicate skin

*Olive oil, jojoba oil, and rice oil

Designed for babies5

Great technology! Runny stool zone

Catches runny stool that could irritate your baby's skin by using an unevenly-textured absorption zone! It absorbs quickly and away from the skin.

*Applicable to Tape type: 3S, Newborn, S, and M sizes

*Not applicable to L size


Wakodo 和光堂 婴儿润肤霜 无香保湿 60g

Wakodo 和光堂 婴儿润肤霜 无香保湿 60g产地:日本 容量:60g适用年龄:0岁以上 成份:水、角鲨烯、胆固醇衍生物、氨基酸系保湿成份等。产品描述: 1.采用天然..

Pigeon 日本 贝亲母乳实感奶瓶替换奶嘴 M 2个 (3个月+)

Pigeon 日本 贝亲母乳实感奶瓶替换奶嘴 特别说明:宝宝奶嘴的尺码为:SS \ S\  M \ L奶嘴的柔软度会随着尺码的变大而变硬,SS号最软,L号奶嘴最硬,6月以上宝宝都用..

Lamington美利奴羊毛连裤袜 儿童款 Black


Babysmile 电动牙刷替换刷头二代 0-2岁

Product explanationThe petit bourgeois rainbow is an electric toothbrush for the child who is usable..

Richell 利其尔 儿童防水围嘴 - 粉色

5个月以上适用- 袖珍折叠,方便外出携带 - 不易弄脏,方便擦洗的硅胶材料 - 整体清洗,速干洁净,无须换洗 - 围兜深度便于接住掉落的食物- 洗碗机、煮沸和微波消毒都可..

Richell 利其尔 婴儿勺套装 带盒子 5个月+

Richell Soft Baby Spoon and Fork with Case 5month+DESCRIPTIONA spoon and fork that can be used firml..
