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Kinderfeets 平衡车/滑步车 原色 (免运费,郊区除外) 一周内发货

$179.00 $210.00 Incl GST

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Kinderfeets 平衡车/滑步车 原色 (免运费,郊区除外) 一周内发货

The Kinderfeets Tiny Tot PLUS is a larger version of the popular Tiny Tot, our 2-in-1 bike that easily converts from a tricycle to a 2-wheel balance bike. Designed for ages 18 months to 5 years,

Kinderfeets Tiny Tot PLUS can help tots start young with a tricycle and transition to a Kinderfeets Classic size balance.

Handmade with wood from fast-growing birch trees or bamboo—a replenishable resource, AND we plant trees with Trees for the Future! Suitable for children age 18 months and up Weight limit 55 lbs. (25 kg)


Suitable for children age 18 months and up

Weight limit 55 lbs. (25 kg)

Why Bamboo? 

There are many benefits to using bamboo that we took into account. Bamboo is stronger than steel and heartier than most hardwood, making it a versatile and valuable building material. That means a high-quality, high-durability bicycle.

Bamboo is also eco-friendly in many ways. It produces more oxygen and absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees. While hard wood takes 30-50 years to mature, bamboo takes between 3-5 years and requires no pesticides or chemicals to encourage the maturation process.

Bamboo is grown in developing countries, so we are proud to support a sustainable way of living for many impoverished populations. Our commitment to Mother Nature is at our forefront, and using bamboo is just one way of giving back.


日本Skater便当盒 饭盒 360毫升 - Sofia

容量: 360 ml尺寸: 14.8 cm x 12.3 cm x 5.6 cm材质: Box: 聚丙烯/ Lid: AS塑膠, ABS, 硅氧树脂. All BPA-f..

Sunstar Ora2 皓乐齿 口气清新口腔喷雾 (清爽薄荷) 6ml

一瓶可以喷160次左右。使用时喷口对准口腔喷压2-3次即可。产品功效与特点缓解口气,唇齿留香, 小巧便捷,随时可用。注意事项产品含微量酒精,酒精不适合者慎用。使用方法手握瓶身,将拇指与瓶身90°垂直。..

 GUM康齿家米菲儿童牙刷 - 1-5岁  - 粉色


Babysmile 电动牙刷 - 蓝色

Babysmile 电动牙刷 规格:牙刷主体*1 刷头*1 替换刷头*1为了卫生起见,刷头一般两三个月更换一次。【产品介绍】这款婴儿彩虹按摩电动牙刷是日本有名婴儿用品设计生产品牌Babysm..

狮王除菌泡沫洗手液 450ml


狮王Systema 牙龈护理温和漱口水 450ml

狮王-DENTOR SYSTEMA--是日本狮王旗下“牙周问题预防”的专业品牌,Dentou Systema预防牙周问题的同时,预防口气、蛀牙等多种牙周病并发症。含有要用的IPMP成份,使口中的任何一..
