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Bumkins 防水袋/零食袋 2个装 18cm x18cm - Ocean Life & Whale Tail

$15.80 $19.80 Incl GST

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Bumkins 防水袋/零食袋 2个装 18cm x18cm - Ocean Life & Whale Tail

The better alternative to single-use plastic bags, our reusable large snack bags / sandwich bags are made from the same waterproof fabric as Bumkins award-winning SuperBib. A smooth zipper closure doesn't hold crumbs and single-ply construction means no worrying about icky stuff growing between layers of fabric. Great for food and fun, snack bags help organize lunches, toys, electronics and more. They’ll even fit a bagel!


  • Zipper closure
  • Measures 18cmW x 18cmH
  • Lead free, PVC free, BPA free, Phthalates free, and Vinyl free
  • 2 pack (Cloud/Raindrops)


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Bumkins 防水袋/零食袋 18cm x18cm - Sea Friends

The better alternative to single-use plastic bags, our reusable large snack bags / sandwich bags are..

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