Bumkins 儿童餐盘分格吸盘碗 - 容量大 吸力大 - 蓝色
The Bumkins Grip Dish is a must-have for babies and toddlers of all ages! With a strong suction base, plates thrown on the floor are a thing of the past!
- Great for little ones learning to self-feed, or more experienced eaters using utensils
- Perfectly sized for toddler portions. The top sections hold approximately 5 oz. each, the lower section holds approximately 9 oz.
- Straight edge allows kids to belly up to the plate, causing less mess
- Easy to clean! Either hand wash or put in the dishwasher
- Food grade silicone is durable, stain resistant, and doesn’t harbor bacteria
- Able to withstand high and low temperatures (from -40°F to 375°F), allowing it to go from the freezer to the microwave or oven
- Fits most high chair trays
- Approximately 8” across, 7” tall, and 1” deep
- BPA, PVC, Vinyl, Phthalate and Lead free
Kracie Ma & Me Latte护发素是专门为哺乳期母亲及其婴儿的干燥和脆弱的头发设计的。它像牛奶一样迅速起泡,温和而彻底地清洁头皮和头发。利用牛奶的力量进行损伤护理,滋润发梢,使其易..
狮王儿童酵素含氟防蛀可吞咽牙膏 60g -不含色素添加剂,可吞咽,淡淡水果香让宝宝爱上刷牙【有效成分】氟加钙:含氟配方防蛀,特别添加酵素配合去垢木糖醇:有效抑制细菌生长并强健牙齿温和研磨剂:温和清洁牙..
High-performance design tailored to fit children’s needs at each growth stageThese toothbrushes enab..
小林制药内裤污渍洗涤剂 120ml去除内衣血渍,尿渍等常见污渍。适用范围:棉,麻,合成纤维(真丝,人造丝不要使用)内裤切记以下几个要点:1.内裤需要天天换洗,及时洗,不要让内裤过夜。还有,许多小飞虫喜..