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Why Do Babies Need Teether?

Reasons Why Babies Use Teether

The most important reason babies use teethers is for relief when their teeth are emerging. However, there areseveral other reasons as well. Putting things in the mouth is a part of childdevelopment, since babies put any and everything in their mouth, it’s best andsafe to have a teether around. So whenever your little one wants to chew onsomething hand them over their teether.

Teether Buying Tips

Teethers are made for a variety ofmaterials ranging from silicone and rubber to wood and plastic. They areavailable in various shapes, colors, sizes and textures. All teethers aregenerally designed in a way that it’s easy for the baby to hold a teether. It’sbetter to buy toys that are meant for teething. Avoid using teether that isliquid-filler or has some plastic objects in them because they can break andcause choking. Make sure you read the instruction before purchasing a teether,all teethers should be BPA and phthalate-free. Harmful chemicals can causeserious issues, so ensure the teether you are buying doesn’t contain any toxicpigments.

Cleaning Teethers and Toys

You must create a plan to regularly cleanand sanitize your baby’s teether and toys. Properly cleaned teether reduce thespread of germs. Keep wipes around to sanitize the toys as they usually fall onthe floor. You can also wash teether and toys with soap and water.

Benefits of Teethers that make it a must-have for yourbaby

  • Teethers are great for relievingand soothing teething pain. A teether can comfort your baby as sucking on itsoothes aching gums.
  • Babies feel good when they holdand touch teethers. When babies touch, feel and chew a teether it helps intactile stimulation.
  • Chewing on a teether aids innatural jaw development.
  • It’s a great way to prepareyour baby for solid foods. When your little one is transitioning from liquid tosolid hand over a teether as it encourages chewing.
  • Teether develops curiosity andawareness in babies. When a baby is touching, feeling and exploring differentcolors and shapes, it increases curiosity and awareness in babies.
  • If you want to keep your babybusy and mentally stimulated, hand over a teether. It’s a great way to keepthem engaged.
  • When your baby is a littlecranky, chewing a teether can make the child happy as it soothes the teethingpain.
  • How do you know a baby is teething?

    There are various signs and symptoms thatshow your baby is teething, some of them include:

  • Discomfort
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Pain and soreness in the gums
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fussiness
  • How to soothe a teething baby?

    Gently rub your baby’s gums with a cleanfinger or a moist gauze pad, it can be soothing. Numbing gels and creams can beused but of course, after consulting with a doctor.