Yutapon 白元微波炉加热暖肩脖贴 可循环使用
No batteries or power supply are needed for this product, which are very popular with Japanese working women. The covers are washable and inside of each Yutapon there is a special gel pack that retains and releases heat slowly. The feet cushion alone still works after seven hours!
The Microwavable Yutapon Heater features:
- Set of four: Neck/Shoulders, Feet Cushion, Knee Rug, Slippers
- Each Yutapon has a gel pack in a double-layered bag. Do not break the outer bag.
- Outer covers are washable
- Heat in the microwave: up to 3 minutes (500W), 1 minute 50 seconds (1000W)
- Heat both side of feet cushion
- Heat cautiously. Do not overheat and always test before placing Yutapon on your skin
蓬松系列微纤维毛巾。它的制作理念是,父母和孩子在洗澡或游泳后可以一起享受使用它。柔软蓬松的毛巾,带着动物头套。这条毛巾采用了柔软蓬松的动物设计, 它也适用于去海滩或游泳池的旅行。柔软蓬松的超细纤维毛巾..
Dimensions: 6.5 x 7.5 x 22 cmCapacity: 500mlHeat Retention Ability (6 hours): Above 154°F (70°C..
Zootensils’ friendly characters make mealtime fun!This adorable fork & spoon has soft side grips..
适用于:窗帘、地毯 衣物、抱枕、布艺沙发、床上用品、卫生间坐垫脚垫、不方便洗衣机清洗的布制品。植物提取成分,从玉米和水果提取的除臭成分,能快速去除衣物上的烟味、烧烤味、火锅味。调到ON即可使用,一瓶大..
Pigeon 日本 贝亲母乳实感奶瓶替换奶嘴 特别说明:宝宝奶嘴的尺码为:SS \ S\ M \ L 奶嘴的柔软度会随着尺码的变大而变硬,SS号最软,L号奶嘴最硬,6月以上宝宝都..