苏菲温柔肌有机棉无翼护垫 14cm 52片
"Let's start doing something good for you" Organic cotton.
Luxuriously using organic cotton that is particular about the material.
We are particular about the material that is most gentle on the delicate skin of women.
Organic cotton is used for the sheet that comes into direct contact with the skin, so it feels natural and gentle.
● Uses 100% organic cotton.
100% organic cotton is used for the upper layer of the surface that the delicate zone touches.
● It is hard to get stuffy and rash.
Since the panty liner is applied to the skin every day, we paid particular attention to breathability.
Uses a fully breathable back sheet and a fluffy cotton sheet that contains plenty of air.
● Ingenuity of the surface sheet.
Adopting a smooth surface sheet, the vaginal discharge does not easily touch the skin, so it keeps smooth for a long time. Achieved a comfortable fit.
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NUK: Active Cup with Silicone Spout 300ml – Winnie the Pooh (Assorted Designs)In order for your..
加强型高清洁原矽分子有效提高与齿面接触、提升齿渍清除效果抑渍分子能有效溶解齿渍、抑制齿渍附着咖啡、红茶等是导致齿垢附着的主要原因,净白无瑕牙膏 可以让您恢复牙齿原本的洁白。有华丽可爱的包装设计共有3种..
日本贝亲母乳实感宽口径磨砂玻璃限定款防胀气新生儿奶瓶【材 质】奶瓶盖,奶嘴盖-聚炳烯,奶嘴-硅胶,奶瓶身-(耐热玻璃上涂有合成硅胶)【耐热度】 120度【规格】 160ML自带S..