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Skater 玩具总动员饭盒 530ml

$29.90 Incl GST

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Skater 玩具总动员饭盒 530ml

Skater Toy Story Lunch Box 530ml

Size: Approximately 186 x 108 x 62 mm
Capacity: Approximately 530 ml

A bento box with a dome-shaped lid that allows you to fluffy rice and side dishes.
As it is a slim type, it is easy to hold and eat with one hand.
Since the lid is dome-shaped, it is difficult for seasonings such as sauce, seaweed and sprinkles to stick to it.
Donburi and sandwiches are hard to be crushed, and picks are hard to fall down.
The lid is a 4-point lock that prevents the soup from leaking.
The high partition makes it difficult for side dishes to shift.
Also compatible with dishwashers.
The amount of rice that fits in 1/2 of the lunch box, about 1.3 cups of tea bowl (about 200 ml).

Lid / AS resin (heat resistant temperature / 100 degrees)
Body / middle pig / stopper / partition / polypropylene (heat resistant temperature / 140 degrees)
Packing / silicone rubber (heat resistant temperature / 140 degrees)


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Lion 狮王强效抑菌洗衣液 去污除臭屋内晾干 960g


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