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Skater Helle Kitty猫饭盒 650ml

$29.90 Incl GST

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Skater Helle Kitty猫饭盒 650ml

Skater Helle Kitty猫饭盒 650ml

Size: Approximately 175 x 129 x 58 mm
Capacity: Approximately 650 ml

A bento box that can be tightly sealed with a 4-point lock.
Can be used in a dishwasher.
Remove the lid and microwave is OK.
It can be stored securely with a highly airtight 4-point lock.
It also comes with packing to prevent soup from leaking.
With a convenient partition to separate rice and side dishes.
The amount of rice when using 1/2 of the capacity, about 1.6 cups of tea bowl (about 200 ml).

Lid / AS resin (heat resistant temperature / 100 degrees)
Body / middle pig / stopper / partition / polypropylene (heat resistant temperature / 140 degrees)
Packing / silicone rubber (heat resistant temperature / 140 degrees)


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