狮王儿童可吞咽防蛀牙漱口水 250ml - 草莓味 2岁+
The medicinal ingredient "CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride)" sterilizes the causative bacteria everywhere and prevents worm teeth, bad breath, and gum inflammation.
Contains xylitol (natural sweetener).
A non-alcoholic type that is mild and gentle.
A one-touch cap that is easy for children to pour.
A lineup of three fruit flavors that are popular with children.
Prevention of tooth development and progression/prevention of gum inflammation/purification of mouth/prevention of bad breath/refreshing of mouth
Precautions for use:
- Please be careful not to swallow it as it is not an oral solution.
- Do not use it if you have an abnormality in your mouth.
- If you experience any abnormalities such as a rash, discontinue use, bring the product, and consult a doctor.
Anatomically-designed mouth shield with flat button to avoid pressure marks when baby is lying on it..
12色: 茶色、淡蓝色、红色、桃色、紫色、黄、、黄色、蓝色、黑色、橙色、浅橙色。即使沾到手脚或身体上也能轻松洗掉使用从蜜蜂巢取出的蜂蜡作为原材料的一部分..
OmieBox UP is an insulated bento box for kids who have outgrown their OmieBox. It has all the featur..
日本金鸟除螨喷雾350ml天然除螨成分,不含杀虫成分淡清香味除菌除臭,喷被子,喷枕头,喷玩具,喷榻榻米,推荐使用方法是离三四十厘米喷10下,能保持一个月时间哦Kincho Dust Mite Repe..
推荐饭前和母乳喂养或当有很多口水的时候用于花粉季节的保护和婴儿皮肤护理成分不含香料,不含着色剂,低过敏性,不含防腐剂,不含酒精(乙醇),不含矿物油。皮肤过敏测试*2 ●食物过敏测试*2 ●新生儿和婴儿..