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SHADEZ 瑞士进口 婴儿太阳镜 宝宝墨镜 防紫外线强光 3-7岁- 草莓红

$39.90 Incl GST

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SHADEZ 瑞士进口 婴儿太阳镜 宝宝墨镜 防紫外线强光 3-7岁- 草莓红


Frame Material: TPEE (Rubber)

Lenses Material: Polycarbonate

Category Protection: Cat. 3

Paint/Coating: Shiny Lacquer

Shadez Designers sunglasses were created to protect kid’s eyes from the harmful sun rays. Experts recommend that children in particular protect their eyes because they are more susceptible to retinal damage from UV rays. The lens inside a child’s eye is clearer than an adult lens, enabling more UV to penetrate deep into the eye. Increasing the risk for sight threatening conditions. Developed by Swiss parents who saw a growing need for a fashion forward kid’s eyewear with optimal protection and durability. Shadez are safe, trendy and durable and designed to make any experience cool. Our range of designer patterns is customized for each age category. So your child can find the perfect pair to express their individual style.


Durable, light weight ultra-flexible frame.

100% UVA and UVB protection.

Lenses block the harshest reflective light and allow for crisper vision.

Impact and shatter resistant lenses.

100% BPA free.

size: 3-7 Years


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