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日本UYEKI双效除螨虫+除花粉喷雾 250ml 孕妇儿童安全

$29.90 Incl GST

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日本UYEKI双效除螨虫+除花粉喷雾 250ml 孕妇儿童安全






Non-toxic mites repellent spray.
Can apply in environment with baby and pet.
Used it every 4 weeks.
DaniClin, a dust mite repellant, saves atopic babies and solves worries about allergies caused by dust mites and house dusts.
DaniClin is not a insecticide, but a natural product using non-toxic ingredients that dust mites hate.
With just a few times spraying, DaniClin will make the surface free from dust mites from pillows, beds, etc. where normally dust mites live on and reproduce in huge number and tend to cause itches and even atopic symptoms for babies.

How to use:
Spray on the object surface in 30cm for every 4 weeks.
Ingredient: Aliphatic carboxylic acid estel


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