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日本SQU简约抽屉式收纳柜 4层 - 海军蓝 (奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价)

$98.00 Incl GST

+ -

日本SQU简约抽屉式收纳柜 4层 - 海军蓝 (奥克兰市区以外地区运费请咨询客服报价)

Product description

A matt panel that makes you forget that it's plastic storage. The handles are decorated with gold lines for a touch of luxury.

It's not just a plastic chest of drawers, it's a living room chest of drawers that will take your home decor to the next level.

The drawers are easy to pull out and close. The drawers are easy to pull out and close, thanks to the patented structure.

The chest of drawers is delivered in a compact, environmentally friendly package.

Easy to assemble in 10-15 minutes without tools.

Made in Japan.

Size: 34 cm (width) x 44.5 cm (depth) x 87.5 cm (height)


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Pigeon 日本贝亲海绵360度旋转奶瓶刷


Pigeon 日本贝亲婴儿降温枕头 - 维尼

两用型清凉冰枕,可爱的图案很受欢迎。宝宝高烧不退,可以用背面给宝宝物理降温。夏天酷热,可以用正面(有图案),让宝宝清凉入睡。跌伤、扭伤时,先放入冰箱冷冻室冷却4个小时,取出后包裹毛巾使用。产品特点1 ..
