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日本HOTAPA天然贝壳粉除菌消毒洗衣粒 100粒

$21.90 Incl GST

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日本HOTAPA天然贝壳粉除菌消毒洗衣粒 100粒

The World's First Tablet Laundry Detergent

Just pop it in, and there's no more powder flying around.

100% Natural Antibacterial and Antimicrobial Agent Made from Scallop Shell Ingredients

Excellent antibacterial, antimicrobial, and deodorizing effects. You can use it with confidence.

Hotapa Laundry is a Detergent for Removing Mold from Washing Machines.

In addition to removing mold from the washing machine, it also has an antibacterial effect on laundry and suppresses the growth of bacteria that cause bad odors, so your laundry will no longer smell. In addition, the water used after use flows into the drainpipe and also removes slime from the drainpipe to prevent bad odors.

How to Use

Use 2 tablets for 30L. Use 3 tablets for 50L. Every time you wash, it removes mold from the washing machine. It also has an antibacterial effect on laundry and prevents the smell of dry clothes. If there is any residue, reduce the amount of laundry or put the product in the bottom of the washing machine before putting in the laundry.


Anti-mold, antibacterial, and deodorizing for laundry and washing machines

(There is a possibility of color fading when using it for soaking.)


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