Lion 日本狮王婴幼儿牙刷 1.5-5岁 (蓝色)
High-performance design tailored to fit children’s needs at each growth stage
These toothbrushes enable the effective brushing of hard-to-reach areas.
For children 1.5-5 years old
DescriptionSize: Approximately 95 x 79 x 210 mmCapacity: Approximately 480 mlProduct introductionLig..
Wakodo 和光堂婴幼儿微氟防蛀牙啫喱 和光堂是日本百年品牌,以生产婴幼儿产品闻名这款牙膏很适合低龄宝宝,蓝色无味:适合6个月宝宝绿色葡萄味,红色苹果味:适合18个月宝宝无人工色素,无蔗糖..
安全无毒不伤手,真正放心的厨房洗涤剂!双重除菌效果,去除99.9%的细菌 只需浸泡+静置!1. 超浓缩型,一到二滴都可产生丰富的泡沫;2. 20%compact,小包装,更方便使用;2. 能去除顽固油..
适合第一次使用剪刀的儿童。规格: 不锈钢刀片,推切,有开合支撑弹簧,刀尖上有塑料盖。尺寸: 1.15厘米(深)x 6.1厘米(宽)x 13.5厘米(高)材料: ABS,不锈钢..
A durable silicone cup that can be used repeatedly .It can be used not only..